Amplifi 2.0: Empowering India’s Cities Through Data and Assessment Frameworks

Amplifi 2.0 – An Assessment Platform for India’s Urban Development

The Amplifi 2.0 platform was launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs with the goal of enabling data-driven policymaking for urban development across India.

Amplifi stands for Assessment and Monitoring Platform for Liveable, Inclusive and Future-ready urban India. It aims to provide a consolidated platform for tracking and evaluating the performance of cities across different aspects.

The portal hosts assessment frameworks and monitoring dashboards covering 14 key sectors – demography, economy, education etc. This data is intended to help authorities, experts and stakeholders in making informed policy decisions regarding sustainable urbanization.

As per the Ministry, Amplifi 2.0 has been developed to facilitate the creation of liveable and inclusive urban spaces in alignment with goals under the Smart Cities Mission. By leveraging data, it hopes to bring an evidence-based approach for developing future-ready cities.

Currently, 258 urban local bodies have been onboarded to the portal, with data available for 150 cities. The target is to eventually cover all 3,739 municipal corporations across India.

Here is a detailed overview of the key features of Amplifi 2.0:

Key Features

The Amplifi 2.0 platform offers various tools and frameworks to evaluate and monitor the performance of Indian cities.

Assessment Frameworks

It includes assessment frameworks that provide methodologies for evaluating cities across different parameters including:

  • Water, sanitation and hygiene
  • Climate smart cities
  • Ease of living

These frameworks allow standardized evaluation of cities and towns on key aspects like liveability and sustainability parameters .

Monitoring Dashboards

Key metrics from 14 sectors have been identified that enable continuous monitoring through visual dashboards spanning:

  • Demography
  • Economy
  • Education
  • Environment etc.

The dashboards create a single snapshot of how cities are performing across these vital sectors.

Open Data Access

The platform also offers open access to raw, granular data from cities for researchers, policymakers and domain experts to analyze.

Over time data collected from 3,739 municipal bodies will be made available.

Benchmarking and Indices

City rankings can be generated based on indices like:

  • Ease of Living Index
  • Municipal Performance Index

Which allows standardized comparison and benchmarking of urban areas .

Implementation Status

The Amplifi 2.0 portal has seen initial traction, with 258 urban local bodies onboarded so far. Granular data is currently available for 150 cities on the platform.

The Ministry aims to eventually cover all 3,739 municipal corporations across India, as urban data maturity improves over time.

Expected Outcomes

By facilitating access to standardized urban data, Amplifi 2.0 is expected to:

Overall, it will allow cities to leverage data to address pressing challenges.

Final Thoughts

Platforms like Amplifi 2.0 showcase the key role of data in solving complex urban issues. By consolidating city-level metrics in a structured and accessible manner, Amplifi enables:

  • Data-driven planning and monitoring: Through assessment tools
  • Realization of Smart Cities goals: Via benchmarking and progress tracking

If implemented well, Amplifi can drive evidence-based policymaking for India’s rapid and inclusive urbanization.

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