SC Seeks Report from CAQM on Air Pollution Control Steps in Delhi-NCR

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The Supreme Court on 10th Oct, 2023 has sought a report from the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) on the measures being taken to control air pollution in Delhi-NCR. This comes ahead of winter, when air quality in the region deteriorates significantly.

Supreme Court & CAQM on Air Pollution Control
Supreme Court Seeks Report from CAQM on Air Pollution Control
  • SC bench sought report from CAQM on air pollution control steps
  • In light of air quality decline in Delhi-NCR during winter
  • Amicus curiae highlighted issue of crop burning as well
About Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM)
  • Statutory body established in 2021 by central government
  • Aims to coordinate air pollution control in Delhi-NCR
  • Replaced 22-year old Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA)
Powers and Functions of CAQM
  • Has overarching powers to take measures to control air pollution
  • Can issue directions and orders to authorities
  • Key functions include:
    • Restrict industrial activities
    • Conduct inspections and surveys
    • Shut down polluting units
    • Coordinate action between states
    • Monitor and identify pollution sources
Composition of CAQM
  • Headed by chairperson (minimum 15 years of experience in environment/pollution control)
  • 5 ex-officio members from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and UP
  • 3 members from environment NGOs
  • Members from central government ministries
Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP)
  • Emergency response plan implemented when air quality deteriorates
  • Notified by Environment Ministry in 2017
  • Defines action by agencies based on air quality index (AQI) levels
  • Involves multiple stakeholders like state governments, CPCB, CAQM
  • Ensures accountability, deadlines for taking action
  • Significance: Brings agencies together, urgent steps to control pollution
Current Context
  • SC seeks report from CAQM on steps taken under GRAP
  • As air pollution increases in Delhi-NCR during winters (Oct-Nov)
  • Report to assess effectiveness of pollution control steps

About CAQM

What is CAQM?

  • Statutory body established by Central Government in 2021
  • Aims to better coordinate air pollution control in Delhi-NCR
  • Replaced Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA)

The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) is a statutory body that was established by the Central Government in 2021 through the Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act.

The key aim of setting up CAQM is to better coordinate efforts to control air pollution in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and adjoining areas. The Commission has replaced the Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA), which had been constituted by the Supreme Court in 1998.

Powers and Functions

  • Has overarching powers to take measures to improve air quality
  • Can issue directions and orders to protect and improve air quality
  • Can restrict industries, conduct inspections, shut down units

CAQM has overarching powers to take measures to improve the air quality in Delhi-NCR. It can issue statutory directions and orders to protect and improve the quality of air. The Commission also has the authority to restrict industrial activities in any particular area, conduct random inspections of any premises including factories, and even order the closure of polluting industrial units.


  • Headed by a Chairperson
  • Members from central and state governments, technical experts

The CAQM is headed by a Chairperson who should have at least 15 years experience in the field of environmental protection. Other members include representatives from the central government, state governments of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, technical experts on air pollution, and members from NGOs working on air pollution.

Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP)

What is GRAP?

  • Notified by Environment Ministry in 2017
  • Emergency response plan when air quality deteriorates
  • Outlines steps to be taken by various agencies based on AQI levels

The Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) was notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change in 2017. It is an emergency response plan that is implemented in Delhi-NCR when air quality deteriorates, especially in winter.

Implementing Agencies

  • Multiple stakeholders like state govts of Delhi, UP, Haryana, Rajasthan
  • Central Pollution Control Board, EPCA (now CAQM)

GRAP outlines various measures to be taken by different agencies when the air quality index (AQI) reaches a certain threshold. Under GRAP, actions are taken by various stakeholders including state governments of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Central Pollution Control Board, the Commission for Air Quality Management, and other central and state level bodies are also involved.

(CAQM) commission-for-air-quality-management-in-the-national-capital-region


  • Brings together various agencies to respond to air quality declines
  • Fixes accountability and deadlines for actions

The plan defines the actions to be taken by each agency and the corresponding AQI limits. GRAP lays down accountability and deadlines for taking action, aiming to prevent further deterioration of air quality. It brings together multiple agencies to coordinate a response and take urgent steps when air pollution rises to hazardous levels in the winter capital.

So in summary, the Supreme Court has asked CAQM to report on the emergency measures being taken under GRAP to control air pollution as winter approaches and air quality declines. This will help assess the effectiveness of the pollution control steps.

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