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Invasive Alien Species Pose Major Threat to Ecosystems Worldwide! [2022]

Invasive alien species (IAS) are those that have been brought outside of their natural past or current range. If this species becomes harmful, it is referred to as an invasive alien species. IAS can be found on every continent and in every climate, making them a significant global problem. They can cause environmental damage, harm native wildlife populations, and even pose a public health threat. Efforts to control IAS are ongoing and often require cooperation from many different sectors.
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, humans are introducing new and invasive alien species to new and often unexplored areas. These species can quickly become dominant and cause significant damage to ecosystems and the human population. In order to prevent this from happening, we need to be aware of the many invasive alien species that exist and learn how to identify them.
What Are Invasive Alien Species
- An alien species is one that has been introduced outside of its natural range.
- When alien species are intentionally or unintentionally brought outside of their natural regions, they outcompete native species and disrupt the ecological equilibrium.
- Invasive alien species are animals, plants, or other organisms that have been introduced into areas outside of their normal range, causing harm to native biodiversity, ecosystem services, or human well-being.
- Example: Lantana, Prosopis juliflora
How Big a Hazard is Invasive Alien Species
Alien species are the most prevalent hazard to amphibians, reptiles, and mammals on The IUCN Red List; they may cause ecosystem structure and composition changes, negatively impacting environmental services, human economy, and welfare. Alien Species are such a concern that Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 and one article of UN Sustainable Development Goal 15 – Life on the Land address it expressly.
How to Tackle Invasive Alein Species
According to IUCN, the global mobility of people and commodities enhances the possibility of introducing Invasive Alien Species. The most efficient strategy to reduce the adverse effects of alien species is to limit their spread by controlling a species’ trade or movement. Early discovery, monitoring, and eradication of an Alien Species helps prevent the species from spreading.
Characteristics of invasive species
- Rapid reproduction and growth.
- High dispersal ability.
- Capability to thrive on a variety of food sources and under a variety of environmental situations.
- Invasive species have high Phenotypic plasticity: which refers to the capacity to adjust physiologically to new surroundings.
- An alien invasive species is one that is not native to a particular ecosystem. They may inflict economic or environmental impact, as well as harm to human health.

Invasive Species & Climate Change
- Alien species are a significant source of biodiversity loss and species extinctions, as well as a worldwide danger to food security and livelihoods.
- Climate change exacerbates the problem of invasive alien species. Climate change promotes the expansion and establishment of many alien species while also providing new possibilities for them to become invasive.
- Invasive alien species may render natural ecosystems, agricultural systems, and urban areas less resilient to climate change. Climate change, on the other hand, diminishes the resistance of ecosystems to biological incursions.
Invasive alien species are a leading threat to biodiversity and ecosystem health. They can outcompete or prey on native species, leading to declines in populations and even extinctions. Alien species can also spread diseases and create economic problems.
Aliens species are often brought outside of their natural regions through human activities such as trade, travel, and agriculture. Sometimes they are introduced intentionally, but more often they are introduced accidentally. For example, a new plant may be brought in to a garden as a decoration, but then it spreads into the wild.
There are many ways to stop the spread of invasive alien species. Prevention is key- we need to be careful not to introduce them into new areas.
In conclusion, invasive alien species are a major threat to our environment and economy. They cost billions of dollars in damages every year, and they are responsible for the extinction of many native species. We need to take action now to protect our environment and prevent these species from spreading.