Lithium In India: The New Discovery for Clean Energy 2023

lithium in india

lithium in india – The Geological Survey of India (GSI) has made a remarkable discovery in the field of mineral resources in India. For the first time, they have established Lithium inferred resources of about 6 million tonnes in the Salal-Haimana area of the Reasi District of Jammu & Kashmir (UT). This discovery is a major milestone for the country and has significant implications for the Indian economy.

Lithium, known for its use in the production of batteries, has become increasingly important in the world’s transition to renewable energy sources. Its demand is on the rise globally and its availability in India will not only boost the country’s economic growth but also position India as a major player in the global market. The discovery of lithium in India is a great opportunity for the country to become self-sufficient in its energy requirements and reduce its dependence on imports.

Lithium Reserves in India MAP

Summary of Lithium Discovery in India

Key PointDescription
Discovery LocationSalal-Haimana area of Reasi district of Jammu & Kashmir (UT)
Lithium Inferred Resources6 million tonnes
Other Mineral Blocks Handed Over51 Mineral Blocks including Lithium and Gold
SignificanceReduce need for imports, improve employment opportunities, boost to the manufacture of rechargeable batteries, boost to the economy, support for India’s clean energy targets
Other Potential Sites in IndiaMica belts in Rajasthan, Bihar, and Andhra Pradesh; Pegmatite belts in Odisha and Chhattisgarh; Brines of Sambhar and Pachpadrain Rajasthan, and Rann of Kachchh in Gujarat
Status of India for Critical Mineral ResourcesIndia imports almost all of its need for rare earth metals and lithium, mostly from China; India’s demand for these resources has risen 6-fold in the last 5 years
Previous Lithium DiscoveryFirst Lithium deposit site found in Marlagalla-Allapatna region of Southern Karnataka’s Mandya district
Lithium in IndiaA “Prescribed substance” under the Atomic Energy Act of 1962, permits AMD to the exploration of Lithium in various geological domains of the country
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national parks in jammu kashmir map
national parks in jammu kashmir map

India’s Lithium Reserves

The significance of lithium for India cannot be overstated as the country shifts its attention towards electric mobility, particularly in major cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Chennai. Lithium is a strategic metal with a plethora of applications in various high-tech industries such as nuclear energy, electronics, telecommunications, information technology, space and defense. With the world’s growing demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions, lithium plays a pivotal role in satisfying these demands and establishing India’s position as a major player in the global transition towards clean energy.

Thus, securing a steady supply of lithium and maintaining access to its production is crucial for India’s energy security and economic development. In light of its expanding economy and growing energy needs, India’s ability to access lithium resources has become increasingly vital, and the government is taking steps to secure the required supplies to meet future demand. Hence, lithium is a vital resource for India, both in terms of its economic and energy security.

lithium in India
lithium in India
Reduce the need for importsIndia imports almost all its lithium and rare earth metals
Improve employment opportunitiesLithium is a key component in batteries for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems
Boost to the manufacture of rechargeable batteriesLithium is widely used in batteries
Boost to the EconomyLithium is a valuable resource with a growing demand
Push for India’s Clean Energy targetsLithium is crucial in the production of electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems
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Other Potential Lithium Sites in India

Mica beltsRajasthan, Bihar, and Andhra Pradesh
Pegmatite BeltsOdisha and Chhattisgarh
BrinesSambhar and Pachpadrain, Rajasthan and Rann of Kachchh, Gujarat
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Lithium Production in the World

Which country is high in lithium?

The world’s lithium production in 2019 was recorded at 77,000 tonnes, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The top four lithium-producing nations are Australia, Chile, China, and Argentina. With an output of 42,000 tonnes in 2019, Australia leads the world as the largest producer of lithium.

Lithium Production in the World

Key PointDescription
Global Lithium Production in 201977,000 tonnes
Top Lithium-Producing CountriesAustralia, Chile, China, Argentina
Top ProducerAustralia (42,000 tonnes)
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Lithium Processing by Country – International Energy Agency (IEA)

CountryPercentage of Global Lithium Processing
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Lithium Extraction by Country

CountryPercentage of Global Lithium Extraction

Top Ten Countries with Largest Lithium Reserves

CountryLithium Reserves (in MT)
Chile9.2 (from brines)
Mexicoless than 1
Canadaless than 1
Congoless than 1
Maliless than 1
Zimbabweless than 1
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About Lithium

Lithium, a light and soft metal, is defined by its unique properties that make it a versatile and valuable resource. Its applications extend across a range of industries, including batteries, glass and ceramics, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, lubricants, and even stars. Lithium’s light weight, high thermal stability, and low reactivity make it an ideal material for batteries, where it is used in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which power a vast array of electronic devices. Lithium compounds are also used in the production of glass and ceramics, where they add strength and durability to the final product.

In aerospace, lithium is used in the manufacturing of high-strength alloys, while in the pharmaceutical industry, it has been used as a mood stabilizer for over half a century. Lithium-based lubricants have also gained popularity for their ability to perform well at high temperatures, making them suitable for use in various industrial applications. Lastly, lithium is also a key element in the life cycle of stars, playing a crucial role in the fusion reactions that power these celestial bodies. Hence, lithium is a vital element, with a wide range of properties and applications that have a significant impact on our daily lives and the universe.

Properties and Applications of Lithium

Soft, silvery metal with low densityLithium is a soft, silvery metal with the lowest density among all metals
Reacts vigorously with waterLithium reacts vigorously with water
BatteriesLithium is widely used in batteries due to its high electrochemical potential and low weight
Glass and ceramicsLithium is added to glass and ceramics to improve their thermal stability, transparency, and strength
AerospaceLithium is used in the production of lightweight alloys for the aerospace industry
PharmaceuticalsLithium is used in the treatment of bipolar disorder due to its ability to stabilize mood swings
LubricantsLithium is used as a lubricant in high-temperature and high-vacuum environments
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Greenbushes Mine: The World’s Largest Hard-Rock Lithium Mine

The Greenbushes Mine in Western Australia is the largest hard-rock lithium mine in the world and a major source of lithium for lithium-ion batteries. It produces a significant portion of the world’s lithium supply and helps maintain Australia’s position as the leading producer of lithium. The mine operates as an open-pit and produces lithium concentrate through conventional mining methods. The Greenbushes Mine is essential in meeting the growing demand for lithium and ensuring a steady supply for the future.

Key PointDescription
DescriptionSoft, silvery metal with the lowest density among all metals, reacts vigorously with water
Largest Hard-Rock Lithium MineGreenbushes mine in Western Australia
Global Leader in Lithium ProductionAustralia
Countries with Largest ReservesChile > Australia > Argentina
Extraction MethodBrine pools (Salar in Chile) and rock minerals such as spodumene (in Australia)
ApplicationsBatteries, glass and ceramics, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, lubricants
Lithium Production in StarsCommon among low-mass Sun-like stars during their Helium core burning phase
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Lithium Extraction

Lithium extraction is the process of extracting lithium from its sources, including brine pools and rock minerals. Brine pools, which are saltwater pools with high lithium concentrations, are a major source of lithium, and extraction is done through solar evaporation, where the water is evaporated, leaving behind a concentrated lithium-rich brine solution.

Rock minerals, on the other hand, are mined through conventional mining methods and processed to produce lithium concentrate. The method of extraction is crucial to Lithium production, as it impacts the quality and cost of the final product. The choice of extraction method depends on various factors, including the location and abundance of lithium sources, the grade of the ore, and the economic viability of the extraction process. The proper and efficient extraction of lithium is essential to meet the increasing demand for lithium and ensure a steady supply for the future. 

Geological Survey of India (GSI)

The Geological Survey of India (GSI) was founded in 1851 with the primary aim of exploring coal deposits for the expansion of the railway network in British India. After independence in 1947, it became a part of the mining ministry and remains a crucial scientific agency for geological surveys and explorations. The GSI is responsible for creating and updating national geoscientific information and conducting assessments of mineral resources. With its headquarters in Kolkata, the GSI operates through six regional offices located across India and has a state unit in every state. The GSI is a key player in India’s mining sector, providing essential information for the exploration and development of the country’s natural resources.

Key PointDescription
NameGeological Survey of India (GSI)
AffiliationAttached office to the Ministry of Mines
PurposeTo find coal deposits for Railways
FunctionScientific agency in India to carry out geoscientific activities
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In conclusion, the discovery of lithium in India holds immense potential for the country’s economy and its clean energy targets. Lithium, as a critical mineral resource, is the cornerstone of the rapidly expanding electric mobility and high-tech industries. It is a strategic metal with wide-ranging applications, from batteries and glass to aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and the military. As the world strives towards a sustainable and low-carbon future, lithium will play a critical role in enabling the transition.

The significance of lithium for the world cannot be overstated, and it is essential for countries to explore and develop their reserves to meet the rising demand for this essential mineral. The future looks bright for India, as it moves towards harnessing the full potential of its lithium deposits and making a meaningful contribution to the global effort towards a sustainable future.


Where is lithium found in India?

The Indian Mines Ministry has announced the discovery of India’s first lithium reserve at a site in Mandya, Karnataka by government agencies. In addition, inferred lithium resources have also been found in the Reasi District of Jammu & Kashmir (UT). These discoveries highlight the potential for India to become a significant player in the global lithium market.

How much lithium does India have?

or the first time, the Geological Survey of India (GSI) has assessed the presence of 5.9 million tonnes (MT) of lithium in the Salal-Haimana area of Reasi District in Jammu & Kashmir. This marks a significant discovery for India, putting the country on the map as a potential lithium producer.

Are there any lithium reserves in India?

India’s discovery of lithium in Jammu and Kashmir is not the country’s first. Two years prior, lithium was also found in Karnataka with approximately 1,600 tonnes of reserves found in the region of Mandya.

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